
This section shows how the transport layer is implemented in both eProsima Micro XRCE-DDS Agent and eProsima Micro XRCE-DDS Client. Furthermore, this section describes how to add a Custom transport in eProsima Micro XRCE-DDS. It is organized as follows:


In contrast to other IoT middlewares such as MQTT and CoaP, which work over a particular transport protocol, the DDS-XRCE protocol is designed to support multiple transport protocols natively. This feature of DDS-XRCE is enhanced by eProsima Micro XRCE-DDS in two ways. On the one hand, the logic of both the Agent and the Client is completely separated from the transport protocol underneath through a set of interfaces, which will be explained in the following sections.

On the other hand, taking advantage of the transport interface flexibility, the Client comes with a framing protocol implemented that enables using the DDS-XRCE wire protocol over stream-oriented transports. This feature allows using eProsima Micro XRCE-DDS over two kinds of transports layers:

  • Packet-oriented transports: communication protocols that allow sending whole packets.
  • Stream-oriented transports: communication protocols that follow a stream logic.

Agent Transport Architecture

The Agent transport architecture is composed by 3 different layers:

  • Server Layer: is an interface from which each transport-specific server inherits. This interface implements four different threads:
    • Sender thread: in charge of sending the messages to the Clients.
    • Receiver thread: in charge of receiving the messages from the Clients.
    • Processing thread: in charge of processing the messages received from the Clients.
    • Heartbeat thread in charge of handling reliability with the Clients.
  • Transport Layer: is a transport-specific class which manages the sessions established between the Agent and the Clients. This class inherits from the Server interface.
  • Platform Layer: is a platform-specific class which implements the sending and receiving functions for a given transport in a given platform. It should be noted that it is the only class that has platform dependencies.

UDP Server Example

As an example, this subsection describes how the UDP server is implemented in eProsima Micro XRCE-DDS Agent. The figure below shows the Agent transport architecture for the UDP servers.


At the top of this architecture, there is a Server interface (Server Layer). This Server interface has the following pure virtual functions:

/* Transport Layer */
virtual void on_create_client(EndPoint* source, const dds::xrce::ClientKey& client_key) = 0;
virtual void on_delete_client(EndPoint* source) = 0;
virtual const dds::xrce::ClientKey get_client_key(EndPoint* source) = 0;
virtual std::unique_ptr<EndPoint> get_source(const dds::xrce::ClientKey& client_key) = 0;

/* Platform Layer */
virtual bool init() = 0;
virtual bool close() = 0;
virtual bool recv_message(InputPacket& input_packet, int timeout) = 0;
virtual bool send_message(OutputPacket output_packet) = 0;
virtual int get_error() = 0;

The first four virtual functions are transport specific (Transport Layer). These functions are overridden by the UDPServerBase class, which is in charge of managing the sessions between Clients and the Agent.

On the other hand, the last five virtual functions are platform specific (Platform Layer). These functions are override by the UDPServerLinux and UDPServerWindows for Linux and Windows systems, respectively.

Client Transport Architecture

The Client transport architecture is analogous to the Agent architecture. There are also three different layers, but instead of the Server Layer, there is a Session Layer.

  • Session Layer: implements the XRCE protocol logic, and it only knows about sending and receiving messages.
  • Transport Layer: implements the sending and receiving message functions for each transport protocol, calling to the Platform Layer functions. This layer only knows about sending and receiving messages through a given transport protocol.
  • Platform Layer: implements the sending and receiving data functions for each platform. This layer only knows about sending and receiving raw data through a given transport in a given platform.

UDP Transport Example

As an example, this subsection describes how the UDP transport is implemented in eProsima Micro XRCE-DDS Client. The figure below shows the Client transport architecture for UDP transport.


Similar to the Agent architecture, there is also an interface, uxrCommunication, whose function pointers are used from the Session Layer. That is, each time a run_session is called, the Session Layer calls to send_msg_func and recv_msg_func without worrying about the transport protocol or the platform in use. This struct has the following function pointers:

bool send_msg_func(void* instance, const uint8_t* buf, size_t len);
bool recv_msg_func(void* instance, uint8_t** buf, size_t* len, int timeout);
uint8_t comm_error_func(void);

These functions are implemented by the uxrUDPTransport, which is in charge of two main tasks:

  1. Provide an implementation for the communication interface functions. For example, in the case of the UDP protocol, these functions are the following:
bool send_udp_msg(void* instance, const uint8_t* buf, size_t len);
bool recv_udp_msg(void* instance, uint8_t** buf, size_t* len, int timeout);
uint8_t get_udp_error(void);
  1. Offer to the user the initialization and close functions related to the transport protocol. For example, in the case of the UDP protocol, these functions are the following:
bool uxr_init_udp_transport(uxrUDPTransport* transport, const char* ip, uint8_t port);
bool uxr_close_udp_transport(uxrUDPTransport* transport);

For each platform, there is an implementation of these functions defined in the Transport Layer interface. For example, in the case of Linux under UDP transport protocol, the uxrUDPPlatform implements the following functions:

bool uxr_init_udp_platform(uxrUDPPlatform* platform, const char* ip, uint16_t port);
bool uxr_close_udp_platform(uxrUDPPlatform* platform);
size_t uxr_write_udp_data_platform(uxrUDPPlatform* platform, const uint8_t* buf, size_t len, uint8_t* errcode);
size_t uxr_read_udp_data_platform(uxrUDPPlatform* platform, uint8_t* buf, size_t len, int timeout, uint8_t* errcode);

Stream Framing Protocol

eProsima Micro XRCE-DDS has a Stream Framing Protocol with the following features:

  • HDLC Framing: each frame begins with a begin_frame octet (0x7E), and the rest of the frame undergoes byte stuffing, using the space octet (0x7D) followed by the original octet exclusive-or with 0x20. For example, if the frame contains the octet 0x7E, it is encoded as 0x7D, 0x5E; and the same for the octet 0x7D which is encoded as 0x7D, 0x5D.
  • CRC Calculation: frames end with the CRC-16 for detecting frame corruption. The CRC-16 is computed using the polynomial x^16 + x^12 + x^5 + 1 after the frame stuffing for each octet of the frame and including the begin_frame, as it is described in the RFC 1662 (see sec. C.2).
  • Routing header: the Stream Framing Protocol provides source and remote addresses in the framing, which can be used to implement a routing protocol.

All the previous features are addressed using the following frame format:

0        8        16       24                40                 X                X+16
|  FLAG  |  SADD  |  RADD  |       LEN       |      PAYLOAD     |       CRC       |
  • FLAG: is a begin_frame octet for frame initialization.
  • SADD: is the address of the device which sent the message, that is, the source address.
  • RADD: is the address of the device which should receive the message, that is, the remote address.
  • LEN: is the length of the payload without framing. It is encoded as a 2-bytes array in little-endian.
  • PAYLOAD: is the payload of the message.
  • CRC: is the CRC of the message after the stuffing.

Data Sending

The figure below shows the workflow of the data sending. This workflow could be divided into the following steps:

  1. A publisher application calls the Client library to send a given topic.
  2. The Client library serializes the topic inside an XRCE message using Micro CDR. As a result, the XRCE message with the topic is stored in an Output Stream Buffer.
  3. The Client library calls the Stream Framing Protocol to send the serialized message.
  4. The Stream Transport frames the message, that is, it adds the header, the payload, and CRC of the frame, taking into account the stuffing. This step takes place in an auxiliary buffer called Framing Buffer.
  5. Each time the Framing Buffer is full, the data is flushed into the Device Buffer, calling the writing system function.

This approach has some advantages which should be pointed out:

  1. The HDLC framing and the CRC control provide integrity and security to the Stream Framing.
  2. The framing technique allows to reduce memory usage. The reason is that the Framing Buffer size (42 bytes) bounds the Device Buffer size.
  3. The framing technique also allows sending large data over stream-oriented transports. The reason is that the message size is not bounded by the Device Buffer size, since the message is fragmented and has undergone byte stuffing during the framing stage.

Data Receiving

The workflow of the data receiving is analogous to the data sending workflow:

  1. A subscriber application calls the Client library to receive a given topic.
  2. The Client library calls the Stream Framing Protocol to receive the stream message.
  3. The Stream Framing Protocol reads data from the Device Buffer and unframes the raw data received from the Device Buffer in the Unframing Buffer.
  4. Once the Unframing Buffer is full, the Stream Framing Protocol appends the fragment into the Input Stream Buffer. This operation is repeated until a complete message is received.
  5. The Client library deserializes the topic from the Input Stream Buffer to the user topic struct.

It should point out that this approach has the same advantages that the sending one.

Shapes Topic Example

This subsection shows how a Shapes Topic, defined by the IDL below, is packed into the Serial Transport.

typedef struct ShapeType
    char color[128];
    int32_t x;
    int32_t y;
    int32_t shapesize;
} ShapeType;

ShapeType topic = {"red", 11, 11, 89};

In Serial Transport, the topic’s packaging could be divided into two steps:

  1. The Session Layer adds the XRCE header and subheader. It adds an overhead of 12 bytes to the topic.
  2. The Serial Transport adds the serial header, CRC and stuffing the payload. In the best case, it adds an overhead of 7 bytes to the topic.

The figure above shows the overhead added by Serial Transport. In the best case, it is only 19 bytes, but it should be noted that, in this example, the message stuffing has been neglected.

Custom Transport

eProsima Micro XRCE-DDS provides a user API that allows interfacing with the lowest level transport layer at runtime, which enables users to implement their own transports in both the Client and Agent libraries. Thanks to this, the Micro XRCE-DDS wire protocol can be transmitted over virtually any protocol, network or communication mechanism. In order to do so, two general communication modes are provided:

  • Stream-oriented mode: the communication mechanism implemented does not have the concept of packet. HDLC framing (Stream Framing Protocol) will be used.
  • Packet-oriented mode: the communication mechanism implemented is able to send a whole packet that includes an XRCE message.

These two modes can be selected by activating and deactivating the framing parameter in both the Client and the Agent functions.

The relevant API can be found in the Transport section of the Client API.

Micro XRCE-DDS Client

In order to enable the eProsima Micro XRCE-DDS Client profile for custom transports, the CMake argument UCLIENT_PROFILE_CUSTOM_TRANSPORT=<bool> must be set to true. By doing so, the user will enable the functionality for setting the transport-related callbacks explained in the Transport section of the Client API.

An example on how to set these external transport callbacks in the Client API is:

uxrCustomTransport transport;
    true, // Framing enabled here. Using Stream-oriented mode.

struct custom_args {

struct custom_args args;

if(!uxr_init_custom_transport(&transport, (void *) &args))
    printf("Error at create transport.\n");
    return 1;

It is important to notice that in uxr_init_custom_transport a pointer to custom arguments is set. This reference will be copied to the uxrCustomTransport and will be available to every callbacks call.

In general, four functions need to be implemented. The behavior of these functions is sightly different, depending on the selected mode:

Open function
bool my_custom_transport_open(uxrCustomTransport* transport)

This function should open and init the custom transport. It returns a boolean indicating if the opening was successful.

transport->args have the arguments passed through uxr_init_custom_transport.

Close function
bool my_custom_transport_close(uxrCustomTransport* transport)

This function should close the custom transport. It returns a boolean indicating if closing was successful.

transport->args have the arguments passed through uxr_init_custom_transport.

Write function
size_t my_custom_transport_write(
        uxrCustomTransport* transport,
        const uint8_t* buffer,
        size_t length,
        uint8_t* errcode)

This function should write data to the custom transport. It returns the number of Bytes written.

transport->args have the arguments passed through uxr_init_custom_transport.

  • Stream-oriented mode: The function can send up to length Bytes from buffer.
  • Packet-oriented mode: The function should send length Bytes from buffer. If less than length Bytes are written errcode can be set.
Read function
size_t my_custom_transport_read(
        uxrCustomTransport* transport,
        uint8_t* buffer,
        size_t length,
        int timeout,
        uint8_t* errcode)

This function should read data to the custom transport. It returns the number of Bytes read

transport->args have the arguments passed through uxr_init_custom_transport.

  • Stream-oriented mode: The function should retrieve up to length Bytes from transport and write them into buffer in timeout milliseconds.
  • Packet-oriented mode: The function should retrieve length Bytes from transport and write them into buffer in timeout milliseconds. If less than length Bytes are read errcode can be set.

Micro XRCE-DDS Agent

The eProsima Micro XRCE-DDS Agent profile for custom transports is enabled by default.

An example on how to set the external transport callbacks in the Micro XRCE-DDS Agent API is:

eprosima::uxr::Middleware::Kind mw_kind(eprosima::uxr::Middleware::Kind::FASTDDS);
eprosima::uxr::CustomEndPoint custom_endpoint;

// Add transport endpoing parameters

eprosima::uxr::CustomAgent custom_agent(
    true, // Framing enabled here. Using Stream-oriented mode.



The custom_endpoint is an object of type eprosima::uxr::CustomEndPoint and it is in charge of handling the endpoint parameters. The Agent, unlike the Client, can receive messages from multiple Clients so it must be able to differentiate between them. Therefore, the eprosima::uxr::CustomEndPoint should be provided with information about the origin of the message in the read callback, and with information about the destination of the message in the write callback.

In general, the members of a eprosima::uxr::CustomEndPoint object can be unsigned integers and strings.

CustomEndPoint defines three methods:

Add member
bool eprosima::uxr::CustomEndPoint::add_member<*KIND*>(const std::string& member_name);

Allows to dynamically add a new member to the endpoint definition.

Returns true if the member was correctly added, false if something went wrong (for example, if the member already exists).

KIND:To be chosen from: uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, uint64_t, uint128_t or std::string.
member_name:The tag used to identify the endpoint member.
Set member value
void eprosima::uxr::CustomEndPoint::set_member_value(const std::string& member_name, const *KIND* & value);

Sets the specific value (numeric or string) for a certain member, which must previously exist in the CustomEndPoint.

member_name:The member whose value is going to be modified.
value:The value to be set, of KIND: uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, uint64_t, uint128_t or std::string.
Get member
const *KIND* & eprosima::uxr::CustomEndPoint::get_member(const std::string& member_name);

Gets the current value of the member registered with the given parameter. The retrieved value might be an uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, uint64_t, uint128_t or std::string.

member_name:The CustomEndPoint member name whose current value is requested.

CustomAgent user-defined methods

As in the Client API, four functions should be implemented. The behaviour of these functions is sightly different depending on the selected mode:

Open function
eprosima::uxr::CustomAgent::InitFunction my_custom_transport_open = [&]() -> bool

This function should open and init the custom transport. It returns a boolean indicating if the opening was successful.

Close function
eprosima::uxr::CustomAgent::FiniFunction my_custom_transport_close = [&]() -> bool

This function should close the custom transport. It returns a boolean indicating if the closing was successful.

Write function
eprosima::uxr::CustomAgent::SendMsgFunction my_custom_transport_write = [&](
    const eprosima::uxr::CustomEndPoint* destination_endpoint,
    uint8_t* buffer,
    size_t length,
    eprosima::uxr::TransportRc& transport_rc) -> ssize_t

This function should write data to the custom transport. It must use the destination_endpoint members to set the data destination. It returns the number of Bytes written. It should set transport_rc indicating the result of the operation.

  • Stream-oriented mode: The function can send up to length Bytes from buffer.
  • Packet-oriented mode: The function should send length Bytes from buffer. If less than length Bytes are written, transport_rc can be set.
Read function
eprosima::uxr::CustomAgent::RecvMsgFunction my_custom_transport_read = [&](
        eprosima::uxr::CustomEndPoint* source_endpoint,
        uint8_t* buffer,
        size_t length,
        int timeout,
        eprosima::uxr::TransportRc& transport_rc) -> ssize_t

This function should read data to the custom transport. It must fill source_endpoint members with data source. It returns the number of Bytes read. It should set transport_rc indicating the result of the operation.

  • Stream-oriented mode: The function should retrieve up to length Bytes from transport and write them into buffer in timeout milliseconds.
  • Packet-oriented mode: The function should retrieve length Bytes from transport and write them into buffer in timeout milliseconds. If less than length Bytes are read transport_rc can be set.